WHO says omicron variant could change the course of the Covid pandemic

Omicron’s global spread and large number of mutations suggest it could have a major impact on the Covid pandemic’s course, the WHO director-general says.
— Read on www.cnbc.com/2021/12/08/who-says-omicron-covid-variant-could-change-the-course-of-the-pandemic.html

World leaders to launch WHO COVID-19 plan, but U.S. won’t take part – Reuters

French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel will help launch a global initiative on Friday to accelerate work to fight COVID-19, the World Health Organization said, but the United States said it will not take part.
— Read on www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-who/world-leaders-to-launch-who-covid-19-plan-but-u-s-wont-take-part-idUSKCN2261M7